Friday, March 14, 2014

Create detail page in Enterprise portal

Details pages

A details page in Enterprise Portal displays detailed information about a specific selected record.
The following list describes the high-level steps that you can follow to create a details page:

1. Start Visual Studio, and use the EP Web Application Project template (found under the Mi-crosoft Dynamics AX category) to create a new project.
2. Add a new item to the project by using the EP User Control with Form template (found under the Microsoft Dynamics AX category). This will also automatically add the control to the AOT.
3. Switch to design view, select the AxDataSource control, and set the DataSet name.
4. Select the AxForm control, and ensure that DataSourceID is set to the AxDataSource.
5. Set the DataMember and DataKeyNames properties on the form as appropriate.
6. If required, change the default mode of the form to Edit or Insert (it is ReadOnly by default).
7. To auto generate the Save and Close buttons:
a. In ReadOnly mode: Set AutoGenerateCancelButton to true.
b. In Edit mode: Set AutoGenerateEditButton to true.
c. In Insert mode: Set AutoGenerateInsertButton to true.
d. Select an AxGroup control, and ensure that the FormID property is set.
8. Click the Edit Fields link, and add the required fields to the AxGroup control.
9. Compile the EP Web Application by using the Build menu. Ensure that there are no errors. This will also automatically deploy the control to the SharePoint directory.
10. Start the Development Workspace, and navigate to \Web\Web Content\Managed.

11. Right-click the Managed item that maps to the web user control that you have created, and click Deploy to EP.

12. When prompted, select the module to deploy the page to.This will automatically create a SharePoint Web Part page for Enterprise Portal and put your web user control on the page by using the User Control Web Part. It will also create a URL web menu item and import the corresponding Page Definition into the AOT.

13. Select the URL web menu item that you created for the page, and set the WindowMode prop-erty to Modal. This will cause the details page to open in a modal window.
14. Create a new Display Menu Item, and set the WebMenuItemName property to the URL Web Menu Item that is linked to the details page.
15. Use this Display Menu Item to link to the details page from the list page grid, as described in the “Model-drive list pages” section.

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