Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Error while deploying from AOT to EP

Server was unable to process request. ---> Setup encountered an error during deployment of the Role Center and Enterprise Portal framework.


1. Site permission issue -> Check you have full control in enterprise portal.

2.If you have Full control for enterprise portal, Open AX client -> System Administration -> Setup -> Enterprise portal -> Websites

Remove below text from your base URL

 The target document library WCMP=dat&WDPK=initial

The Websites should contain only base  url: http://<Server name>/sites/DynamicsAx

Enterprise portal Quick Launch menus open without it's own Quick Launch

  1. Go to the WebModules, expand Home, EmployeeServices, select the new module that you added, in my case, EESAbsenceManagement.  Right click and select Deploy Element.
  2. Edit each of your WebPageDefs, WebModule property to reflect the new module, i.e. it should now read Home\EmployeeServices\EESAbsenceManagement, note, if you try to use the drop down, you will NOT see the new module reflected, as per my original post.  Right click and select Deploy Element.
  3. Edit each of your Web Menu Item's URL property to include the new module, i.e. EmployeeServices/EESAbsenceManagement/Enterprise%20Portal/EES_HcmEPAbsenceRequestListPage.aspx
  4. Save, Generate incremental CIL, go to your Enterprise portal, under Home-> Role center, Administration, click on the Refresh AOD, Refresh data and Refresh dictionary links.
Your new module's quick launch menu should now stay when you navigate around!
Read full post:   https://community.dynamics.com/ax/f/33/t/193081 

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Deployment issue in EP

while i am deploying EP website facing the following error.
Microsoft Dynamics AX could not locate the Web server. Verify that Enterprise Portal is installed on the Web server. If Enterprise Portal is installed, verify that the server is available on the network

add the following code to the end of web.config file in the EP Deployment Service
<httpRuntime executionTimeout="3600"/>
The default location for the deployment service on the AOS machine is
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Setup\EPDeploymentService\web.config"