When there is a requirement to generate dynamic report name. For example when saving report, the report name should be appended with Customer ID, Invoice ID etc. To do this in the controller class we have to write code for parmDialogCaption() method shown below:-
class DemoController extends SrsReportRunController
public void prePromptModifyContract()
ProjInvoiceJour projInvoiceJour;
DemoContract contract;
FormDataSource fds;
contract = this.parmReportContract().parmRdpContract() as DemoController;
projInvoiceJour = args.record();
fds = args.record().dataSource();
public static client void main(Args args)
DemoController demoController;
ProjInvoiceJour projInvoiceJour;
demoController= new DemoController();
demoController.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(RAR_AmazonBillingReport, Report));
demoController.parmReportContract().parmReportCaption("Project Invoice Report");
projInvoiceJour = args.record();
demoController.parmDialogCaption("Project Invoice Report" + "_"+ projInvoiceJour.ProjInvoiceId); // This will generate dynamic report name
when you export the report in excel, pdf or csv, the report name will be appended with ProjInvoiceId.
Source: D365FO Technical Blog: Dynamic SSRS report name in D365 FnO (axd365focode.blogspot.com)